Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Three Weekend Photos

I will post more about my family trip to take my younger sister to college soon, but I wanted to get in a couple photos just to give you a taste of what it was like.

We drove down to California on two different days.
We may or may not have been going crazy by the end!

 On Thursday night, we spent time walking around Azusa Pacific's east
and west campuses. It was a beautiful California summer evening.
 This is an instagram picture from the Candela service on Friday night,
a traditional part of Azusa's Freshman Orientation.We held our lit candles aloft
and proclaimed that the light and love of God faithfully penetrates a dark world.
This time of September is, without fail, a time of change and transition. Even if you're not in school or connected with those who are, there's still the subtle shift from summer to autumn. I was baking cookies this afternoon and stepped out on my deck for a moment. I was struck by the cool warmness (or warm coolness) of the air and how the sun had changed from hot and penetrating to golden and mellow. I'm excited for fall, but sad to see summer come to an end.
How about you? Are you excited for fall? Are there changes in your life that are bittersweet?

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